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ECP has the authority to declare the election date, according to PM Kakar.


 ISLAMABAD: General elections may take place in the middle of January or before the end of the month, according to caretaker prime minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar's statement on Wednesday, according to ARTICLE NEWS.

The caretaker prime minister stated his opinions on a talk program of a private TV network, saying that the caretaker setup was prepared to support the electoral process, handle peace and order issues, and handle financial issues associated to conducting elections.

The president had also instructed the ECP that the delimitation was a proper and constitutional procedure, and the ECP will undertake discussions, he continued.

He said that they had identified the federal and provincial authorities and political figures who were engaged in illicit commerce and smuggling.

He stated that the appropriate authorities were gathering evidence against them that would be presented in court and result in their conviction. He further promised that serious punishment would be taken against anyone participating in such actions.

The US funds were changed into other currencies and parked around the area, creating a vicious cycle that operated for the previous one and one and a half years but was now being broken via physical crackdowns and border control rules, according to PM Kakar.

He claimed that stockpiling and illegal activity caused an artificial inflation. He added that current actions were producing visible results and beneficial outcomes and noted the drop in the price of sugar and other commodities.

In response to a different query about the country's economic recovery, the acting prime minister praised the current head of the army staff for his contributions to the economy.

In response to a query on the trials of PTI leader Imran Khan, the acting prime minister remarked that such decisions should be made by the courts.

In response to Shah Mahmood Qureshi's detention, he noted that it was up to the law enforcement authorities to determine whether or not handcuffing was allowed under the law.

He responded to a question relating to the return of PML-N leader and former prime minister Nawaz Sharif to Pakistan by saying that the law enforcement authorities will determine whether he could be detained or not in line with the law.

The prime minister welcomed the new chief justice of Pakistan and expressed his hope that he would start judicial reforms since he saw him as a contemporary and progressive figure from his home area of Balochistan.

In response to a different question, the prime minister stated that while US soldiers had trained the Afghan national army and spent trillions of dollars there, following their exit, both the Afghan national force and the weaponry they had been provided with vanished.

He said that terrorist organizations like TTP, Daesh, and BLA have utilized such weapons in terrorist attacks within Pakistan and that they were now being sold in illegal markets throughout the world.

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